Is God Calling You to Write?

Do you feel called to write, but you aren’t sure if the desire was placed there by God or if it’s something others have told you? This can happen to all of us at some time or another. If you are struggling to walk into the calling to write, questioning whether the desire is directly from Him, here are a few thoughts to help …

“You’re good with words. You should write a book.” Or a devotional. Or a Bible study. Or a blog.

Has someone said that to you? 

It’s one thing for your mother to think you should write, or your best friend, or your pastor. What about God? Is He calling you to write? 

I’m confident God has called me to write. Early on, I had my doubts. I wasn’t sure I had the talent, time and worthy topics to maintain a writing ministry. And writing is a vague goal. If God’s calling me to write, I thought, what and to whom? 

You opted to read this blog post, so there’s a good chance you have the same doubts. I don’t have a perfect answer, but I’ll share some stepping stones that helped me walk into my calling.

  • Do you feel God’s nudge to write? 

I kept a journal where I recorded notes from my Bible study and my prayers. Oftentimes the words came easily, thoughts flowing as fast as I could write. Might be only a sentence or two, but I couldn’t ignore the urge to get them on paper. 

I wanted to keep those insights between me and God. Sharing my words with others … frankly, it scared me. But thoughts from my journal made their way into my conversation. I would mention an idea to a friend or discuss an insight with my Bible study group. Clearly, those private thoughts weren’t for me alone. At least some of them were meant to be shared. Maybe, I thought, God was indeed calling me to write.

  • Do others affirm the call?

You can ask people you trust, people who have a track record of godly wisdom. And God may send affirmation seemingly out of nowhere, from an unexpected source.

In my case, confirmation came both ways. My day job included meeting minutes and newsletters, and I got consistent compliments on my writing style. My pastor’s wife, a writer herself, encouraged me to use those skills in Christian ministry.

  • Do it! Write.

If God’s calling you to write, the ideas will come. You’ll probably start small, because that’s the way God usually works. “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much (Luke 16:10, ESV). Most of the time, we have to put in the hard work of preparation.

God’s call will come with a learning curve as you hone the craft of writing. COMPEL can help, offering options for training and connecting you with like-minded Christians. 

For me, it took more than a decade to find my niche. I had to learn the how-tos of writing and publishing. I narrowed down the message and defined the audience God had in mind for me. 

I’ve learned an important lesson about God’s plan: God doesn’t call us to succeed; He calls us to obey. Don’t use worldly success (such as followers, likes and shares) as the measure of your calling. Use obedience. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies (1 Peter 4:10-11a, ESV).

Obey God. Be a good steward of your writing skills.

Bless your words; bless your calling!

Shirlee Abbott 

Is God calling you to write? What steps are you taking to obey His call?



Shirlee Abbott is a retired pastor's wife, mother, grandmother and home-improvement veteran with a passion for building wholeness and holiness into God’s children. Shirlee constructs big ideas out of as few words as possible. Her K.I.S.S. (keep it short and simple) style invites reluctant readers to the Bible study table. Read her constructive thoughts at

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  1. So encouraging. I jotted down several ideas that came to mind as I read this.

  2. I have definitely felt the call of God to write and it has been affirmed by many people. I love your point about God not requiring success (under our own steam) but rather obedience. That should be our swan song in our lives with God. I’m looking forward to see all that God will do through the written word and the guidance that He gives me.