Courage Over Fear: You Are a Writer!

We all know writing is a wonderful outlet for creativity, connecting with others and spreading the Good News of Jesus. With so many talented writers out there, it is certainly intimidating to call ourselves writers. Here is how you can find the courage to step out of your comfort zone and boldly continue on the journey God has called you to be on!

Writing is a wonderful outlet for creativity, connecting with others and spreading the Good News of Jesus. But with so many talented women out there already claiming the title of writer, it can be a little intimidating to call yourself a writer. Finding the courage to step out of your comfort zone and on the journey God has called you to can be fearful. 

 When I started writing, I refused to call myself a writer because I had nothing published. Like many aspiring writers, fear stopped me from listening and obeying God’s plans for my life. 

Leaning heavily on 2 Timothy 1:7, “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (ESV), I shifted my gaze from the fear of calling myself a writer to knowing God was with me. After all, He called me to be a writer and will see me through the journey!

With your eyes focused on God, here are six things you can do to build the confidence and courage to call yourself a writer: 

  1. Acknowledge your writing: Recognize that writing is not just about publishing books or articles. If you write regularly, even if it’s in a journal or a personal blog, you’re engaging in the act of writing. 
  2. Write regularly: Like any skill, writing requires practice, practice, practice and more practice! The more you write, the more confident you’ll become in your abilities, and you will improve your skills over time.
  3. Connect with fellow writers: Join writing groups or online communities, such as COMPEL Training, to connect with other writers. Sharing your work and getting constructive feedback can help you feel validated and encouraged.
  4. Accept imperfection: No first draft is perfect, and all writers go through revisions and editing multiple times. Embrace the fact that your work can evolve and improve with time and effort.
  5. Celebrate the small wins: Whether it’s completing a blog, getting positive feedback from a friend, or just sitting at your computer and getting a paragraph written, celebrate these small victories.
  6. Publish and share: Consider publishing your writing on a personal blog or social media. Sharing with others can help solidify your identity as a writer.

Remember, God called you to be a writer, and He is with you! Being a writer is not defined by external recognition or traditional publishing. It’s about the writing process, the dedication to honing your craft, and the love for creating with words. So take that step and proudly call yourself a writer!

Cheering you on!


Which one of the steps will you take today to begin having the courage to call yourself a writer? Share your choice in the comments.


Missy Eversole is a writer from Morton, Illinois. She is wife to Craig and mom to Grant and Connor. She enjoys family time and the laughter that comes with it. Missy is a contributing blog writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Online Bible Studies, as well as Kingdom Edge Magazine, and is author of Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits. She writes about faith and family weekly on her blog at

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  1. I want to learn to “celebrate the small wins”. I dont get encouragement because I have not actually told anyone, other than my husband and our grown daughters, that I despeately want/need to write.