5 Benefits to Joining a Writing Community

Being a writer or author is largely a solo event. By its very nature, it lends itself to a lot more alone time than just about anything else we do. That’s why it’s crucial to surround ourselves with a community of other writers. If you’re ready to learn how to find your very own writing community, we are here to help!

As a writer, we often find ourselves alone with our words. Yes, we may have the support of our family and friends; however, it can be difficult for them to understand the complete writing process. As writers, we need other writers to walk with on this journey. Here are some benefits of having a community of writers to surround you as you write:

  1. A community can pray for you. God called you to serve Him in this ministry faithfully, and He will go before you with the words to write; however, we know that the enemy is on the prowl. He is not happy that you are fulfilling your calling, and he will do anything to throw you off. A text to your writer friends that you need prayer will squelch the fiery darts the enemy is hurling at you.
  2. A community can critique your work. While writing is hard, asking for critiques and opinions is harder. By asking for critiques, we can improve our craft and gain valuable insight from other writers.
  3. A community can share their experiences with you. We all are at varying levels of writing, and other people’s experiences will help us. For example, you may be new at writing an article for submission, but someone in your community is an experienced article writer. They can share tips and tricks with you on how to write a successful, impactful article. 
  4. A community can cure your writer’s block. We all have those days when the dreaded blinking cursor stares at us. Use your writing community to gain ideas and new thoughts and kick writer’s block to the curb. 
  5. A community can celebrate successes with you. Did the article you submitted get accepted for publication? Along with your family, your writing community will celebrate with you! They are your biggest fans! 

If you don’t have a community, starting a community is not too late! Reach out to your writer friends on social media, and see if they would be interested in creating a group. If you are not a member of COMPEL, I encourage you to join! One of the benefits of joining is access to Facebook groups. By joining, you can start engaging with other writers with similar interests and writing styles.

Remember, friend, you are not alone in your writing journey! So find a group of like-minded writers and build your community today! 


Missy Eversole

What can you do today to encourage writers in your community? If you don’t have a community, take the step to create one today! 


Missy Eversole is a writer from Morton, Illinois. She is wife to Craig and mom to Grant and Connor. She enjoys family time and the laughter that comes with it. Missy is a contributing blog writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Online Bible Studies, as well as Kingdom Edge Magazine, and is author of Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits. She writes about faith and family weekly on her blog at www.missyeversole.com.

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