Introducing Suzie Eller’s New COMPEL Course on Freelancing!

Years ago I decided I wanted to be a freelance writer. I longed to write and also make an income. That led to a nearly 20-year career of writing columns, paying blog posts, curriculum, and articles.

The word “freelance” simply means self-employed. It’s your job. Whether part-time or full-time, a freelance writer is responsible to study the various markets, learn what is required, and to submit targeted content and queries.


If like Suzie, you want to generate your own income through freelancing than click here to enroll in our new course, Mastering The Art of Writing Freelance Articles.

Perhaps your goal has always been to write a book and you’ve never given thought to freelancing. While writing a book is a worthy goal (I’ve written 10), don’t forget that there are lots of ways to share your message as a writer. The average book may sell 500 to 5,000 copies, but a magazine article in an established magazine may reach hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

It takes time, but a writer can began to establish themselves as a freelancer. I started by writing for compilation books like Chicken Soup for the Soul. Later, I wrote a weekly column for a local newspaper. I became a regular contributor for a well-established Christian women’s magazine for nearly five years. Over time, I wrote curriculum, take-home papers, and submitted to online Christian news resources and sites.

There are multiple opportunities for freelance writers, not just in the Christian market but in the general market. So when I was asked to write a COMPEL course for freelancers, I was excited to say yes. In the first Freelance course, we’ll explore four different types of articles you might want to write, as well as what you bring to the table as a potential “expert” and author.

Join Our New COMPEL Live Course

If like Suzie, you want to generate your own income through freelancing than this course is for you. If you’re not a current COMPEL Memberclick here to join our online commnunity today and get started!


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