When Writing Feels Like a Nightmare

Most of the time, writing is a much-needed and wanted outlet for me. One that is not only fulfilling but rewarding from beginning to end. But there are times when this writing life can turn into more of a nightmare. I get lost for words and confidence and more. Here is something I hold on to when I am struggling …

I know it all too well. Most of the time, writing is a much-needed and wanted outlet for me. One that is not only fulfilling but rewarding from beginning to end. I usually find it good for my soul; it feels like a dream when the words flow like honey. And even more so when I get to witness my readers being touched and helped through the words I worked so diligently on. My heart feels seen and heard, and it feels good to know what I share makes a real difference.

Yet there are times when this writing life can turn into more of a nightmare. I get lost for words. I get lost for time. I get lost for drive and desire. I get lost for joy. I get lost for confidence. I just get lost in every sense of the word. I feel drained, overwhelmed, depleted of anything meaningful to throw out into the world. Nothing seems to pour out of my heart and onto the screen during seasons like this. It’s just one of those unexpected and harsh realities of this life of writing I love so much.

My friends, it’s during the most challenging times we must push through and forge ahead more than ever. If we don’t, we are missing out. More importantly, so is our audience. God’s purpose should be sought no matter how we feel at any given moment.

The truth is most things worth the effort will take work. We all know that. It’s true of relationships. It’s true of jobs and careers. It’s true of schooling. It’s true of sports and hobbies. It’s true of LIFE.  

So how do we overcome this? When I am facing the unwanted, difficult and discouraging parts of being an author, I try to think of why I became a writer in the first place. Like anything else, love sometimes isn’t enough. And the things we do love are always going to be hard work. It also means understanding the significance of the bigger picture. When I remember all the reasons I love and desire to write, it’s the only thing I find helpful. It gets me through the rough patches.

The bigger picture and the whole reason we write is Him. It’s simple. He is our “why.” God gave us this incredible gift, a purpose and an assignment. We aren’t meant to write because it’s fun, exciting or dreamy. Having fun can be an advantage, but it’s selfish if that’s the only thing that drives us. Our ultimate reason for writing our stories is to bring others to the hope and joy that can be found in Jesus. We offer hope to a hopeless generation. We show love to people who feel loveless. We inspire and uplift other Christians who are going through tough times.  

Wherever you are in your writing journey, don’t give up. Whether you are in a dream or a nightmare, keep going. And if you are in a writing nightmare, take a moment to pause. Remember that the things you love aren’t always going to be easy or even fun, and most importantly, remember why you are an author to begin with.

Remember your way back to your writing dreams.


Melissa Labieniec 

Are you struggling with the challenging parts of writing? How do you find ways to cope and get through it? Share in the comments.


Born and raised in Connecticut, Melissa Labieniec always loved to write. As an enthusiastic blogger and published author, Melissa enjoys writing devotions and encouraging articles for online magazines, websites, blogs and other publications. Additionally, she has two published devotions (as a contributing author) in print with COMPEL and Proverbs 31 Ministries. She delights in spreading God’s joy, love and hope whenever she can to women of all ages and in all stages of life. Melissa earned her Bachelor of Science degree in leadership and ministry, with a concentration in human services from Grace Christian University. Always desiring to learn and grow, she is a member and volunteer leader of COMPEL Training. A Christian for just over 22 years, she attends her local church with her wonderful husband and two daughters. You can connect with Melissa on Instagram @melissa_jean77.

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  1. Yes, I’m struggling. This post is a blessing to me, just to know that I’m not the only one who encounters this. What I tend to do is have a conversation with a trusted friend or my husband, and it helps me process whatever has gotten jumbled in my mind.